Tournament/Event Information

USA Softball

Registration Information

USA Softball Northeast Region (MA)
College Showcase
Girl's Fast Pitch
Thursday, June 19, 2025
Sunday, June 22, 2025
$ 1,000.00
5 Game Guarantee

Host Information

USA Softball of Massachusetts
NE College Showcase - Summer 2025
Devens area

Registration Contact Information

Phil McElroy

Tournament/Event Director Information

Phil McElroy

Other Event Details


Registration Summary


Tournament/Event Documents

 Document TypeTypeFile Name
View DocumentTournament FlyerPDFSummer NE College Showcase 2025 .pdf

Tournament/Event Notes

This tournament will be PAY At The Plate

Games expected to be played in Devens, Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Tewksbury, Concord and Lowell

All Star Games to be played on Thursday afternoon/evening

Checks Payable to
Northeast Training and Events
116 Ice House Landing
Marlborough, MA 01752

Venmo on request

Registered Teams

Team NameCityState/ProvStatusReg/Wait List #
Blackstone Valley Venom - CutlerMendonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Bombers Elite 16U PremierWarwickRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Bombers Elite 18U PremierWarwickRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Capital District Fusion - JaysonSchenectadyNYAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Capital District Fusion 14USchenectadyNYAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Capital District Fusion 16U Regonal LindowSchenectadyNYAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CD Crossfire 16U GrayNiskayunaNYAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CD Crossfire 16U OrangeNiskayyunaNYAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Connecticut Charge 16u ShowcaseCheshireCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Lady Knights - ShirshacEnfieldCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Lady Knights-Corradowest hartfordCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Lightning 09 GoldSouthingtonCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Lightning Gold HoagSouthingtonCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Lightning Gold WrightSouthingtonCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Monarchs 16UMiddletownCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Titans 16 u WhiteBristolCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Titans 16u Green ‘08BristolCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT Wildcats ShowcaseCheshireCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
CT. ThunderNewtownCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Dutchess Debs GoldHighlandNYAccepted Awaiting Payment 
East Coast Bandits U18ChelmsfordMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Extra Innings 16U ProspectsMiddletonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Extra Innings 18U ProspectMiddletonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Firebirds Softball 18uHopkintonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Full Count 18UDanversMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Fury Platinum 18U RoumelisSmithfieldRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Fury Platinum MorganSmithfieldRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
GSE 18u BoisvertEpsomNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
GSE 18U BruneauEpsomNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
GSE 18U MCEpsomNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
GSE 18U STEVENSEpsomNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
GSE LeclairEpsomNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
KP Pride 18U GoldPlainvilleMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Madness Showcase 18UMiddleboroMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Maine Thunder - McGouldrickPortlandMEAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Mass Drifters Gold OneBridgewaterMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Mass Driftets Gold TwoBridgrwatetmrMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Mass Dynamites AldrichTauntonMAAccepted Awaiting Payment 
Mass Legacy 18UEast BridgewaterMAAccepted Awaiting Payment 
Mass StormNew BedfordMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Massachusetts Attack 16U RedHanoverMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NE Diamond Gems 18U RinesGreenvilleNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NE Fusion Gold GlynnLondonderryNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NE Fusion RazaHampsteadNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NE UnityLincolnRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NE Unity-NewmanBridgewaterMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
New England Elite 16U OrsoGrayMEAccepted Awaiting Payment 
New England Elite 18U DiMauroGrayMEAccepted Awaiting Payment 
New England Elite 18U GilbertGrayMEAccepted Awaiting Payment 
New England Fusion Gold LeClair 18ULondonderryNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NH Prospects KraytenbergManchesterNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NH Prospects Lozeau 18uManchesterNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NH Prospects O’Brien 18UManchesterNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
NH RiptideExeterNHAccepted Awaiting Payment 
Northeast Hurricanes 18u ClemonsSalemNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Northeast Hurricanes Beeley 18uSalemNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Northeast Hurrricanes 16u MeuseTewksburyMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Northeast Reign BlackNorth ReadingMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Northeast Reign NavyNorth ReadingMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush Gold - AlexanderWindsorCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush Gold - BabcockArlingtonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush Gold - BoydenPembrokeNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush Gold Bilodeau/McDonoughTyngsboroMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush Premier - BoydenPembrokeNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush Premier - FabboWindsorCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush RoyGraftonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Polar Crush RussoArlingtonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Raiders 18U GoldConcordMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Raiders 18U SabloneConcordMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RES Angels 16U GoldSalemMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RES Angels 18U EliteSalemMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RI Fire N' Ice BlueRiversideRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RI Fire N' Ice ProspectsRiversideRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RI Fire N' Ice RedRiversideRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RI Northeast Hurricanes 16u Chaiyabhateast greenwichRIAccepted Awaiting Payment 
RI Thunder - 18uWest WarwickRIAccepted Awaiting Payment 
RI Thunder 16u National Leclair/LottiBellinghamMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RI Thunder Gold - CTS 18UMonroeCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
RI Thunder Gold WilsonWarrenRIAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Rip City USA Gold National CovinoSeabrookNHAccepted (Paid in Full) 
ROX 18U DuffyWrenthamMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Rox Softball - Rohan 16UWrenthamMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Scarlet StormMilfordMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Softball U CTMilfordCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Softball U CTMilfordCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Softball U CT GoldMilfordCTAccepted (Paid in Full) 
South Shore Chaos EliteEast BridgewaterMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Stars New England 16u GoldWilmingtonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Stars New England 16u PremierWilmingtonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Taunton TyphoonsTauntonMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Voodoo 16u RegionalLeominsterMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Voodoo Premier 18U (Nelson)LEOMINSTERMAAccepted Awaiting Payment 
Voodoo RegionalLeominsterMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Walpole CrushWalpoleMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Warriors Softball ClubANDOVER, MAMAAccepted (Paid in Full) 
Westland Hills WildAlbanyNYAccepted (Paid in Full)